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While reading my Devotions one morning about 2 years ago I heard a voice (yes, it was audible for me) say, “Get my Word out!” I understood it to be God speaking to me. It was not a dream as I was wide awake. I answered and said, “Lord, I am a nobody. I am not a preacher nor do I teach women or children in church. How can I get Your Word out?”

Looking back on the event that was a pretty stupid thing to say. Did I think God didn’t know who He was talking to? He repeated, “Get my Word out”. Later I told my husband, Tim, about the encounter and we discussed possibilities. After prayer we decided to produce a form of what we call “Spiritual Vitamins”.

The original vitamins were made of construction paper shaped like a capsule. They contained a Title, Date and Scripture verse, all hand lettered, and colored . I mailed 20 copies to my adult Kreiter family and it took me 30 days to create 20 vitamins. They were not fancy at all.

Months later Tim offered the idea that he could print the vitamins on cardstock on the computer, in color and even find computer art work for the front. I added an additional Quote on the back side. This continued until recently when our son, Kerry, offered to design a Kreiter Family web page to include all past, present and future vitamins.

Now the amazing thing is that Kerry does not work with computers or the design of web pages. But after several months of research, and teaching himself, Kerry has created “Stage three” of the Spiritual Vitamins development. On February 10th we are launching the Spiritual Vitamin web page and if you are inclined to use it we hope that it is a blessing to you.

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